US Defense Department, world's largest fossil fuel-using institution, ranks 1st globally in greenhouse gas emissions - ...
The tech has legitimate critics, but the Heritage Foundation still clings to debunked claims about the reality of climate ...
The startup is taking a different approach to removing carbon dioxide from the air than most of its competitors.
This is big talk for a market with a serious reputation problem. In 2023 the volume of credits traded on the voluntary carbon ...
Scientists have developed a high-efficiency electrochemical cell that converts bicarbonate from captured CO2 into formate ...
Carbon dioxide production in the US has been relatively static for the past ten years and will need to add capacity more ...
There has been public backlash against the controversial technique, known as ocean iron fertilisation, in the past.
The Stripe-led Frontier coalition is buying carbon removal from companies that also generate useful byproducts and benefits.
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have made strides forward in realizing industrial conversion of bicarbonate ...
Summit Carbon Solutions says pipeline through Iowa and four other states will reduce ethanol's CO2 footprint. But it won't ...
The state Department of Environmental Protection has released a new 68-page strategy to advance goals for carbon ...
Flux, a Nairobi-based climate startup, has sold Africa’s first carbon dioxide removal credits based on the practice of using ...