Some researchers have suggested that hyperechogenicity of the renal cortex (i.e. renal cortex echogenicity greater than or equal to liver echogenicity) indicates renal disease, but Wiersma et al.
Transverse image of the liver shows a heterogeneous echotexture with diffusely increased echogenicity. This patient proved to have diffuse metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Ultrasound of the liver ...
The diagnosis of an ultrasound-visualized mass can be based on several characteristics including margins, echogenicity, internal echo pattern, retrotumoral phenomenon, compressibility, and the ...
Japan: A recent case study published in Cureus highlights the critical role of ultrasonography in diagnosing an ectopic ...
Van de Waarsenburg, M. K. Withagen, M. I. J. van den Noort, F. Schagen van Leeuwen, J. H. and van der Vaart, C. H. 2019. Echogenicity of puborectalis muscle, cervix and vastus lateralis muscle in ...