A research team has successfully recreated the structure of wrinkles in biological tissue in vitro, uncovering the mechanisms behind their formation.
Microscopic black holes formed right after the Big Bang could fly through our solar system once per decade, causing tiny ...
In 1543, Copernicus boldly proposed the heliocentric model, asserting that the Earth revolved around the sun. Despite facing ...
Half a century of advancements in biomedical science paved the way for today's powerful weight-loss drugs like Ozempic -- so ...
Development methodologies combine old and new techniques, but getting any new material into high-volume manufacturing is a ...
We know Mars once had an active geological past, filled with water, volcanic activity, and dynamic geological changes. Now, ...
The Semantic Reader project introduces novel user interfaces that augment traditional PDFs to improve reading experiences for ...
The GENOXPHOS (Functional Genetics of the Oxidative Phosphorylation System) group at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones ...