Researchers have long suspected that bowhead whales keep in touch from far away. New evidence of synchronized diving between ...
The ocean feels infinite. If you were to start swimming from shore, it’s easy to believe—fitness and oxygen aside—you could ...
Seabirds are among the most threatened bird groups in the world, with nearly one-third at risk of extinction. In a new study, ...
Aboard the Alkor, a 55-meter oceanographic vessel anchored in the Baltic Sea several kilometers from the German port city of Kiel, engineer Henrik Schönheit grips a joystick-like lever in his fist. He ...
One Great Shot: Are You Ready for This, Jelly? During a nighttime dive, a veteran underwater photographer captured a tiny fish’s cunning effort to find a safe spot in a dark sea.
The Canadian government and the Ehattesaht First Nation dropped a huge chunk of change trying to save the stranded killer whale kʷiisaḥiʔis (Brave Little Hunter). Now, they’re wondering how to make up ...
The world’s aquaculture industry is booming. And it’s no wonder—overfishing in the open ocean has caused populations of many commercially caught fish to plummet. To keep up with the world’s growing ...
The past decade has not been kind to North Atlantic right whales—or to the fishers who ply the waters where these massive mammals dwell. For the whales that migrate along the North American east coast ...