Dodo Danasabe has assured the residents of the Mpape community not to panic or relocate over the earth tremor that occurred on Monday.
The Russian global navigation satellite system is designed to promptly provide navigation information to users of land, sea, air and space ...
PNN New Delhi [India] 19 A few years back Kolkata Municipal Corporation had a tremendous setback following the collapse of ...
The Federal Government says it has commenced a holistic investigation into the root causes of the recent earth tremors that ...
A new gravity map of Mars reveals hidden structures and active mantle processes, challenging established geological theories.
During a ministerial press briefing, the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Mr. Uche Nnaji, assured the public that a team of experts from the Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics (an arm ...
GEOLOGISTS have urged the government to deploy a team of experts for a thorough scientific investigation of the potential ...
Flexural isostasy states that this massive region should force the planet's surface downward. But the reverse is true.
Satellite data suggest a volcano in Tanzania that expels extremely runny lava could be creeping toward an eruption.
When a volcano is about to erupt, the surrounding land puffs up like a squeezed balloon. The technical term is "transient ...
The DVW – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement (German Association for Geodesy, Geoinformation and ...
This course focuses on three topics in geodesy and surveying: reference systems and map projections, GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou) and digital photogrammetry. It provides an overview of the ...