The 20 best active rest ideas to better recover and recuperate after a hard workout in the gym. Is today your rest day? Do ...
A few times each week, I walk five minutes on a muddy grass track beside a shy stream behind my house and arrive at an abandoned monastery. The grounds are always well maintained, and rarely do I see ...
For students, creatives, researchers, writers, bloggers, or anyone who wants to organize their minds, their notes, or their work, Obsidian is an app you must try. I’ve been using Obsidian for years to ...
This Mardown cheatsheet for Logseq has everything you can think of to format your notes better in Logseq. I wrote it with explanations and examples so you can see the markdown you need to write and ...
Face Dragons is a signpost where a twisted road forks. Will you skulk back home or forge on to face dragons?
With thousands of available shared anki decks online, many of them incomplete or not useful, building a list of the best anki decks seemed like a good idea. I have downloaded and tested every deck on ...
I created this list of the best Obsidian themes to give you a better idea of what these themes really look like. And using a fresh Obsidian vault, I added a note with everything you’d want to see in a ...
Ever wanted to start a journey of self-improvement but had no idea where to start? Or maybe you’ve been climbing the self-improvement hierarchy for a while but have hit a plateau and need to know the ...
Earn yourself new pieces of armor and weapons by learning the skills you need to face dragons. This page contains affiliate links. Consider using them to support Face Dragons at no extra cost to you.
Face the Dragon of Inactivity by becoming more productive—GET MORE DONE. The first step to getting more done every day is understanding what you need to get done and organizing it in a way that makes ...
Inaction, laziness, sloth, this dragon goes by many names. If Inaction is taking a hold of you, you might notice that you just can’t get started with that project you know you should do. It may seem ...
After decades of practicing kung fu, and training in many different types of training shoes, there’s only one kung fu shoe I wear now. You need the proper footwear when working out, no matter what you ...